Friday, April 20, 2012

God's will?

I want to take a moment to address something that I think everyone hears while going through fertility treatments. It is usually said that perhaps infertiles are either "not meant to have children" or some version of our refusing to submit to "God's will" or that we are genetically inferior (the darwinian argument). First I will tackle the darwin one... that one is false logic because none of us truly subjected to survival of the fittest at this point in civilization and I see no proof that fertile people have "better" genes than I do. I simply have worse luck at making eggs. My children resulting from IVF are healthy, happy, and smart. The God's will argument is also false logic. You would have to look at the pool of people God has blessed with children. A good number of them are crummy parents or should have never had children to begin with. How to do you explain God giving children to people who abuse them or worse (I'm looking at you Casey Anthony). Can you explain the reasoning behind drug addicts having babies? Perhaps we shouldn't be so arrogant to assume infertility is God's way of telling us we shouldn't have children. Perhaps God's plan is for us to go through treatment in order to gain some insight into ourselves. I know I have been a more thoughtful parent and I have gained empathy for others that I did not possess before my treatment. Don't even get me started with "just relax" away a medical condition or "just adopt." Gosh there is no end to insensitive and inaccurate comments people will make when they discover you are pursing fertility treatments. By the way... for the record anything statement with the word just in it is never "just" that easy.

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