Sunday, April 1, 2012

Goals of this blog

I thought I would begin by explaining that I am a team captain for the walk of hope. Our team is the Families of the Living After IF Boards. They are message boards sponsored by Resolve. Most of us started out on the Finding boards while we were in treatment and have graduated together either through pregnancy, adoption, third party such as donor egg/sperm or surrogacy or living childfree. We've "known" each other for years through the internet. We've been there for each other when things were at their darkest and we've cheer each other on for each success. The boards have allowed me to meet some of the most amazing and strong women I am priviledged to know. For the next two months leading up to the walk I will be posting not only my own story and feelings but also the stories and topics from the other women of the boards. Coming up tomorrow will be our first story of a family building journey. Through sharing our stories we can help end the silence and the stigma of infertility.


  1. Hello! I saw your blog listed on LFCA and came over to say hi. Thank you for creating your blog and for sharing these inspirational stories.
